Retrospect Images » Napa, Sonoma, Sacramento, Northern California and Desitnation Fine Art Wedding Photography


I am 39 weeks this week! I am also convinced that there must be no fewer than four babies inside of me due to the alien bodily protrusions which contrantly errupt from within. With a due date of 12/23, we are getting so close! Every unexplained noise I make freaks Mike out and translates in his brain to meaning “OOPS I just birthed the baby”.  Our Christmas tree has remained undecorated for over a week….but the nursery is almost finished 🙂 Still want to add a few things (including a baby…) but here’s how it looks so far:

neutral baby nursery animals
neutral baby nursery animals
neutral baby nursery animals
neutral baby nursery animals
neutral baby nursery animals
neutral baby nursery animals
neutral baby nursery animals
neutral baby nursery animals

(Until the baby gets here)….My current favorite things in here include the baby mobile my sister handmade and my mother’s bear who is currently occupying the rocking chair- I definitely miss having her around everyday, but especially throughout my pregnancy so having something of hers in here makes me happy every time I see it!

Rug and Chandelier:
Animal Prints:
Mobile: Handmade by my lovely sister
Rocking/reclining Chair:
Dresser/side table:

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