Retrospect Images » Napa, Sonoma, Sacramento, Northern California and Desitnation Fine Art Wedding Photography

May Photographer’s Bridal Shootout Registration


Need something super-awesome to do occupy your time next Tuesday?? Register for our Bridal Shootout on Tuesday 5/13/2014! Bring your camera and take advantage of the amazing natural light and beautifully styled bridal model and create some stunning imagery, and I’ll take care of all of the legwork! Our model will be beautifull styled, including hair/makeup/wardrobe/bouquet.

The Details:

When: Tuesday 5/13/2014, 12:00pm-2:00pm

Where: The Loft/Retrospect Images’s Studio, located in Santa Clara CA

Cost: $175 nonrefundable registration fee

What to Bring: Your camera equiptment- this is a natural light shoot so please do not bring any lighting equipment

Schedule: 12-12:30, Group 1 shoot with model; 12:30-1 Group 2 shoot with model; 1-1:30 Each photographer gets 5 minutes to direct the model individually; 1:30-2 Whole group shoot (schedule subject to change)

What’s provided in your registration: Studio, model, hair/makeup artist for model, wardrobe, light snacks and water.

What’s not provided: Camera equiptment, instruction- this is a shootout, not a workshop since I will not be providing any instruction other than directing the model during most group shoot times.

How to Register: Email with subject: May Bridal Shootout . I will follow up with registration availability and if slots are still available, the invoice for the registration fee

Note: This date has a max capacity of 6 photographers. I need a minimum of 3 photographers registered in order to hold this shoot- in the event that we do not have enough people registered your fee will be refunded.

Not sure what to expect? Take a look at a few previous bridal sessions I have done in the studio to get an idea of what you may walk away with. I will be creating some sort of backdrop/decor for this.




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