Retrospect Images » Napa, Sonoma, Sacramento, Northern California and Desitnation Fine Art Wedding Photography

Le Tote Review | Clothing Rental Subsription Box

Mom + entrepreneur = no time. Wedding season is still going on over here for me, and while I am approaching my last wedding of the year, that by no means translated to things ‘slowing down’. I currently have over 20,000 photos in my editing queue. I have several portrait sessions per week. I have all of my accounting, website updates, marketing, and other back end tasks to tackle. AND there’s this baby…. who is now freaking WALKING and getting into everything. That being said, who has time for shopping? Aside from that, the year after having a baby your body goes through so many changes- things fit me so differently month to month, even now almost a year later I am constantly changing. Yet- I still have to find things that fit and are seasonally appropriate- its been getting ‘California cold’ (aka…. we think its cold if it falls below 70 degrees…). I am often also shooting weddings or holding meetings with clients so I do have to look presentable SOME of the time.

I was super excited when I found Le Tote – they offer a monthly subscription service which is like a ‘Netflix for clothes’. You mark favorite items on their site. They send you 3 clothing items + 2 accessories to wear (or you can keep anything you’d like to purchase) and then send back in a prepaid envelope when you are done wearing them (yup- no washing- just wear and send back). I order a USPS postal pickup online and I have something new to wear every week without ever leaving my house. They are based in CA and super fast at processing, so they ship out your next box within days. In my first month, I receive 4 different boxes and I’ve had fun with this so I thought I would share a quick review here!

When you sign up, you create a ‘closet’ where you save your favorites from their site. In all honesty, when I first looked at this site I thought I wouldn’t find enough items to suit me. They were really hit or miss, and I do wish that they had a higher volume of trendier, younger clothing. BUT, once I took the time to look through everything, I found that there were enough items to supplement my own wardrobe and I built up my closet with some pieces I loved. So what’s in my Le Tote ‘Closet’ ? Here’s a little peek at some of my favorite items on the site:
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When your box is ready, they send you a notification. You can then switch out any items you’d like to swap before finalizing your package- so you are never unpleasantly surprised with what they send you. I LOVE this feature of this service.

In my first month I was able to receive 4 shipments. What I received is below:
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When your package arrives, unlike Stitchfix you get to wear everything as many times as you’d like- it’s not just a shopping replacement, its a clothing rental service, so you have a small rotating wardrobe which is always changing.

Loving getting a package each week with new things to wear for the cost of what I would spend on just one sweater if I was out at a mall. This is saving me time,, keeping me warm, and keeping me out of baby-spitup-stained clothing for weddings 🙂

Want to give it a try? Use the link below to get a $25 credit when you sign up!

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