Retrospect Images » Napa, Sonoma, Sacramento, Northern California and Desitnation Fine Art Wedding Photography

Some Exciting News

I wanted to take a break from the usual wedding + enagement posts to share some personal news.

After nearly 14 years of together-ness and almost 5 years of marriage with Mike we are super excited to announce that we are expecting our first baby!! I am proud to announce, that it is a … human!! (nope.. no gender yet…)!


Complete with a FOOT- see the ultrasound….. I’m glad they chose to label the foot and no other parts, because really as long as it has one good foot we’re good to go.

For a period of about 2 years, Mike used to tell everyone whenever there was a lull in the conversation that I was pregnant. He thought this was hilarious. He latched onto this idea when a rumor started spreading around the school I used to teach at (before making the jump into wedding photography full time) that I was pregnant. (Thanks a lot, guys. Nothing says ‘No really… you don’t look fat…’ like a 2 year pregnancy rumor…) Announcing ‘Ginny’s pregnant’ to countless friends and family members quickly wore out its hilarity. BUT… now its real. And we are so excited to start our little family.

With my due date on December 23rd, 2014 we are shooting all of our weddings as planned as this little one will impact none of out scheduled weddings. We planned very carefully, and luckily things have worked out with timing the pregnancy during off season as we had hoped. I have had to turn away a few inquiries for December + January wedding dates recently but other than that, all weddings will be covered and edited as usual; there may just be a slightly larger wedding photographer present….

Thank you all so much for all of the support and well wishes we have already received!

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  • June 9, 2014 - 9:44 pm

    Channon - Yay Ginny! such exciting news. CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH YOU AND MIKE!! these little bundles of joy are such fun sidekicks 😀ReplyCancel